Approximately 3,500 obstetric deliveries occur at George Washington University Hospital per year, 90% of which are performed with a regional anesthetic. All residents rotate for one month on the Obstetrical Anesthesia service with further clinical experience derived from overnight call in labor and delivery and CA3 elective rotations.
Through a structured lecture series and clinical teaching, residents learn about maternal physiology and pharamacology, fetal assessment, maternal disease states and high risk pregnancy, local anesthetic pharmacology, and management of obstetric emergencies. Residents become adept at regional anesthetic techniques, management of labor analgesia, and management of anesthesia for elective and emergency cesarean section.

Needle on skinSince two thirds of our obstetric population is designated "high-risk," residents have the opportunity to care for complicated patients with a variety of disease states including preeclampsia/eclampsia, morbid obesity, and multiple gestation.
Additional months are offered to CA-3 residents who would like additional training in Obstetric Anesthesia. Special emphasis is placed on management of high risk parturients, instruction and supervision of junior residents, advanced epidural placement techniques, and presentation of formal lectures.